Pitch Wars Mentee Bio



Welcome to my Pitch Wars bio page. For those of you here because you follow my blog and get email updates, Pitch Wars is a writing competition created by Brenda Drake where agented and/or published writers volunteer their time to mentor other writers trying to become agented/published.  I submitted my manuscript, Two Bit Mind, for consideration.  To follow along use #PitchWars on Twitter. My twitter handle is @thetomboymommy, but I warn you, my feed is all pitchwars all the time right now.  If you love GIFs, go-go now.

If you are a fellow mentee, or a mentor, welcome! It took getting my nerve up to actually hit submit, so there were a few false starts.

Dirty_Dancing_Dance_Scene_3, but then I got my nerve up and was all, Dirty_Dancing_Time_of_my_Life_Final_Dance_High_Quality

My nickname is Stephanie The Avenger!.  I became The Avenger! back in the early nineties, inspired by Towanda The Avenger! from Fried Green Tomatoes.  In fact, many people refer to me as Avenger, even the cops who would bust my parties my first stint in college. “Avenger, we told you no more parties.” That sort of thing. I have a corporation set up as Stephanie The Avenger! LLC, so you can make checks payable that way.  Avenger! pose          The love interest in my life story is my husband, 28 years my senior (like the MC in my book).

He’s pretty super too. Super Doug  We have two kids together- a one year old and a four year old.  They are superheros in training.

Now for some random facts:


I’m a personal trainer.

I think it’s funny when people fall (even my kids).

Red is my favoirite color, but sometimes I forget and tell people green.

I had my first amateur MMA fight back in June.

I love Dirty Dancing, but it’s not my favorite movie.

My favorite movie is probably The Philadelphia Story.  “The time to make up your mind about people, is never.”

I’d leave my husband for Cary Grant if he was still alive and I stood a chance. Cary Grant

I played rugby for 11 years.

My favorite book is a toss-up between To Kill a Mockingbird and Jane Eyre.

I re-read the Harry Potter series every summer.

I love the At Home in Mitford series by Jan Karon.

I tell people I’m 5’4″, but I’m really more like 5’3″

My first car was a red slugbug named Wanda.  She was my partner in crime and I could write a whole book about our stories.  She burned down on the side of the highway while I stood watching the fifteen foot flames with a pinkie mouse in a 5gl aquarium.

I’m rooting for Miley Cyrus to get her shit together so her music doesn’t have to be a guilty pleasure.

I used to be a zoo keeper. I have taken care of all kinds of animals, but my favorites are the primates.  I love the great apes and got to hand raise a baby chimpanzee named Zoe when her mother died during labor. I have taken many parenting cues from that experience. I could also write a book about all of those experiences, like the time a llama flung me on his back when I tried to step over his lowered head as he ate.  I hung on to his furry butt and wrapped my legs around his neck and hung on for dear life while he tried to get this pain in the ass keeper off his back. Lessons were learned that day.


I love telling stories and believe that PitchWars has already improved my odds of being a professional storyteller. Thank you Brenda Drake and all of the mentors volunteering their time to support all writers.

If you would like to check out the other PitchWars mentee bios, go to this link at Pimpmybio to check them out! Thank you, Christopher Keelty for organizing a blog hop for the mentees!